6 Python Cheat Sheets for Data Science

Here are some handy Python cheat sheets ranging from data science to Django.

  1. Python Cheat Sheet for Data Science: Basics – covers reading files, strings, numeric types, and mathematical operations, lists and dictionaries, modules and functions, boolean comparisons, statements, and loops.
  2. Python Cheat Sheet for Data Science: Intermediate
  3. NumPy Cheat Sheet — Python for Data Science
  4. Pandas Cheat Sheet — Python for Data Science
  5. Pysheeet – This project aims at collecting useful Python snippets in order to enhance pythoneers’ coding experiences.
  6. https://ehmatthes.github.io/pcc/cheatsheets/README.html – 12 python cheat sheets in PDf form, covering lists, dictionaries, if statements, while loops, functions, classes, files, exceptions, and testing your code. Also a few for modules like pygame, matplotlib, Pygal and Django.